TRANSLATION Proofreading

symbolic image for translation proofreading services German, English, French and Danish in Dresden: errors in a document are marked with a red pen.
No mistakes allowed – when I proofread your translation I check it thoroughly

What is translation proofreading?

If you want to publish a translation, accuracy is a must. 


I offer translation proofreading services for documents translated from English or French into German. Translations from German into English or French are proofread by one of my professional colleagues in their mother tongue.


This is a precise comparison between the original and the translation. I can revise your third-party or own translations.


The editing or proofreading of a translation helps to check if the text has been translated correctly from one language into another. Furthermore, the translation will be checked for spelling mistakes and correct grammar. Translation proofreading may also include the improvement of the translation's linguistic quality to make it sound better. Sentences can be revised to increase readability.


I also check the translation to see if it is adapted to your target audience and make appropriate changes if necessary. Typographic aspects, such as coherent spelling of words as well as names and titles, will also be considered.


If style sheets, glossaries for the translation of terminology or other reference material should be used during the translation, I will also check the correct use and verify compliance with all specifications as part of the translation editing process.

How can I order translation proofreading services?

For a quote, please send your documents to be checked (for example as .doc, .pdf, or printed)—translation and original text. The price for translation proofreading services are calculated by the hour. The rates depend on the length and subject matter of your text.


In the case of Word files, all corrections will be made using the "Track changes" option. This allows you to localize and understand all corrections and comments at all times. You can accept all changes or reject single ones.


If this work is too time-consuming for you: don't worry—you also get a file with all changes already included. You can use this document right away.


In the case of PDF files, all parts of the text that need to be corrected are marked, and all proposals for modification are listed on the right side of the document using the comment function.


Printed documents are revised according to DIN 16511.

Request a free quote

Call me today to discuss your project or simply use the contact form to get your free quote for the revision of your translation within minutes.

Sprach- und Übersetzungsservice

Dr. Ralph Smyreck


Bürgerstraße 31
D-01127 Dresden

Service vor Ort nur mit Termin.
Office open by appointment only.

Nehmen Sie telefonisch Kontakt mit Sprach- und Übersetzungsservice Ralph Smyreck auf


+49 (0) 351 82 42 32 65

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