Desktop publishing

symbolic image for desktop publishing services Dresden: printed documents with perfect layout.
Documents that people will love to look at – thanks to desktop publishing services for translations

Foreign language typesetting – layout and typography

Translations not only have to be linguistically correct, the format and layout should also be accurate so that your documents look good in the target language. This is where desktop publishing comes in.


When translating documents, it is often necessary to adapt layout and text in the target language document. For example, documents translated from English into German are up to 30 percent longer. Extensive layout changes may be required. I will check the translation in its final format to make sure that hyphenation and punctuation is implemented correctly. To optimize the overall impression of your translated documents, I also pay attention to typographic standards in the target language.

Digitalization of non-editable texts

Do you have documents that you cannot edit? Do you need a pdf file as Word document? Digitalization starts where OCR (optical character recognition) breaks down. These programs are not able to mirror the layout correctly. In the course of digitalization, a copy of the original is created as precisely as possible—including all formatting and hidden layout information. The generated document is editable and can be used for further tasks, e.g. translation.

Request a free quote

Call me today to discuss your project or simply use the contact form to get your free quote for desktop publishing services within minutes.

Sprach- und Übersetzungsservice

Dr. Ralph Smyreck


Bürgerstraße 31
D-01127 Dresden

Service vor Ort nur mit Termin.
Office open by appointment only.

Nehmen Sie telefonisch Kontakt mit Sprach- und Übersetzungsservice Ralph Smyreck auf


+49 (0) 351 82 42 32 65

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